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HGSafari @HGSafari


Hypergridding Tours in Opensim

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Being a lumberjack is a tough life
But Willy had well organized and supplied cosy place

Lise: Great place! I hiked from the arrival area to the next highest point where the Super Snow Slaucer station is located. From there, I sledded down and took the cable car up, enjoying the beautiful scen... 2 months ago
The store that is loved by so many people just got a whole lot bigger!

Texture Too - a new store for you by Zuzu Bahro and Safine Mahoe

the new building at Textures Trees and Scripts and it is full of textures to help your projects.

Ancient writings
sci fi
stained glass
and much more!

Come on out and find out why people are loving the new , second texture building. Just take the tp stone to Textures Too

Textures Trees & Scripts - the little store that everyone is talking about!

Thirza Ember: It's not the store we deserve, but it's the store we need! LOL thanks Safine! 3 months ago

Hicks: merci Ice 4 months ago
Tonight's usual dance party at Club Wet has been cancelled due to Autumnfest. DJ Chris McCracken & DJ April McKenna will be tonight's Freak Night DJs at Autumnfest- you must be dressed but wear your freakiest sexiest craziest costume! The party begins at 5-7 with DJ Chis, then 7-9 with DJ April - Don't miss the freakiest party on the hypergrid! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/AMV AutumnFest Stage/130/94/26

Ellen: The artwork is really beautiful! 4 months ago
Let's Go Crazy at Rockin' the Blues Halloween Asylum 6:00-9PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Pontchartrain Beach
Event begins: 2024-10-26 20:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
It’s Wyldwood Bayou Grid’s 4th Anniversary Celebration Weekend…And Halloween! DJ Riker started our Saturday night Celebration with an hour of fiendishly good blues tunes mixed with Spooky Hits! DJ Rosie followed at 7PM and she had some diabolically good blues tunes plus sinister songs to petrify us all! DJ Kith jumps in at 8PM and is ready to Enchant us all with his Spellbinding blues tunes plus plenty of Devilish ditties! So, all you ghouls & goblins run down to the swamp to help us celebrate! Come dressed in costume or just come as you are, but come help us celebrate a Spine-tingling 4 years in our own dayum swamp!

wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Pontchartrain Beach
When: From Oct. 20th to Nov. 3rd 2024
Where: In the 'Depth of Darkness Island' of Novale
Who: Open to all hypergrid visitors
How: To reach the boat ride to 'Depth of Darkness' - use the boat TP at welcome

📝 Men's Ballet "About Bees & Flowers - Die Wahrheit über Bienen und Blumen"

Start the men's ballet inworld by yourself or watch it on YouTube *** Männerballett inworld selbst starten oder auf YouTube ansehen

Liebe Opensim-Freunde,

wir vom Pangea Grid feiern unseren 4. Geburtstag – und das möchten wir mit euch so richtig groß feiern! Unser Jubiläumswochenende findet vom 11. bis 13. Oktober statt, und wir können es kaum erwarten, mit euch anzustoßen!

Dear Opensim Friends,

We at Pangea Grid are celebrating our 4th birthday – and we want to celebrate it with you in a big way! Our anniversary weekend will take place from October 11th to 13th, and we can't wait to kick off the festivities with you!

Opening Party
Start: 11 AM SLT / 20 Uhr
DJ Marlon Wayne
Live Zoree Jupiter – 12 PM SLT / 21 Uhr

Happy Rainbow Parade +
Show mit Lampithaler Start: 10 AM SLT / 19 Uhr
Men’s Ballet mit Bink Draconia Start: 11.30 AM SLT / 20.30 Uhr

DJane Loru Destiny

Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
10 AM SLT / 19 Uhr
Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne
DJ YANA@Welcome Stage~AMV Welcome
When: 11 octobre, 06:00 – 08:00

Yana loves the old rock sounds like the 60`s but the 70`s & 80`s are her favorite. When she DJ`s the roof will blowing off and the walls are shaking from their foundations. If you like a good partytime and wake up with those sounds, your so welcome to join in at Yana`s spectacular stage, where it all happens.
AMVs Welcome area is the landing point for HG visitors and new residents, come and make new friends
Early Morning

Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ's Include:
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sylvia Koln
DJ Dave King
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Yana Dakota

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :)

here is your taxi: hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/AMV%20Welcome/151/185/27
DJ YANA at Welcome Stage on AMV Welcome @ Fri 4th Oct 6:00 AM
Fri, Oct 04 2024 5:41:58 AM PDT

DJ YANA at Welcome Stage on AMV Welcome : Fri 4th Oct 6:00 AM to 8:00
DJ Yana - Yana loves the old rock sounds like the 60`s but the 70`s & 80`s are her favorite. When she DJ`s the roof will blowing off and the walls are shaking from their foundations. If you like a good partytime and wake up with those sounds, your so welcome to join in at Yana`s spectacular stage, where it all happens.
AMVs Welcome area is the landing point for HG visitors and new residents, come and make new friends
Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ`s Include:
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sylvia Koiln
DJ Dave King
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Yana Dakota

And the occasional various guest DJs!

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
Join in the fun, socialize and share Snacks & Drinks from the Cafe`.
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :)

alternatemetaverse.com:8002:AMV Welcome
Welcome Stage alternatemetaverse.com (AMV%20Welcome,163,179)

Lynnestra Parker and On The Rocks present "True Colors"

Sunday Sep 29th 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing Rock songs about colors along with his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETLY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!

Hello, I try to participate by mixing the useful with the pleasant, I wanted to make a gallery of people on Opensim, and I opted for a gallery on Flickr, more easily consultable. For this I need the help of all those who want to participate, without your help, the project will fail because it is about the people of Opensim. I take the photos, I try to capture something special in each of you, if you like it, and to bring out the image of a community in black and white, you have to come into the world to see the colors. Here is the beginning of the gallery. Thank you for your attention, friendly. Send me a message here or in world to help me and dont be shy :)

Luna Lunaria: @Hella Was happy to participate and it was very nice meeting you :-) 6 months ago
Soirée Théâtre - Et l’œuf engendra la poule
L’Event Space a le grand honneur de recevoir sous son toit la troupe Les Théâtreux pour vous présenter la pièce intitulée "Et l’œuf engendra la poule", écrite par Jean Vilain.
Elle a été initialement captée radiophoniquement et diffusée sur Radio Saint-Affrique, une radio libre et associative en Aveyron. C’est cet enregistrement original qui sera le support audio de la pièce dans laquelle les personnages sont incarnés par des avatars.

MinordLoup: Mais tout le monde en parle lol 7 months ago
Soirée Théâtre - Et l’œuf engendra la poule
L’Event Space a le grand honneur de recevoir sous son toit la troupe Les Théâtreux pour vous présenter la pièce intitulée "Et l’œuf engendra la poule", écrite par Jean Vilain.
Elle a été initialement captée radiophoniquement et diffusée sur Radio Saint-Affrique, une radio libre et associative en Aveyron. C’est cet enregistrement original qui sera le support audio de la pièce dans laquelle les personnages sont incarnés par des avatars.

GAMES without BORDERS (Archery)
Always a Good Laugh and much Fun with all of the Dinkies at

Hello! As everyone knows, I am awesome! As a result, I have been busy in my lab creating a (drum roll) DISH SPONGE! For those of you who have always wanted a dish sponge, I've made your dream come true! Finally! At Last! A yellow sponge that even has a floating label that says "dish sponge". Get yours now at cyberdatastorm.com:8002:Welcome Note: The spoon I made last month has been discontinued as only 32 people came and got one. Which is just weird. But anyway. As always please do not use my products to grief or harm any other person.

Xenon Darrow: MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUUUUUUE 8 months ago
The dates for the world's fair are March 1st - March 30th, 2025. People creating exhibits can start building any time. If you are interested in exhibiting in any way please contact us in Discord http://discord.gg/4HTavUQBcx . Show off your grid, your projects, fashion, art, tech, education or just anything you want show the public.

Visit our website at: https://www.opensimworldsfair.com

Let’s make this fair spectacular!🎪🌟
3 min video Atraxia on Pangea. Demonstrating EEP sky water effects and cam angles to view the impact above and below water level.
Find the beacon and visit. All viewers shaders on, and the slider to ULTRA. Find boats to drive and use teleporters. FLY FLY FLY.
The first ever Monthly Social for Wolf Territories Grid is today at 11 am grid time (pst) at Luxor in the Lotus Club, and teleport routing will drop you right there. This is a great way to meet residents on the grid and get to know one another and share stories. Greedy tables are set up courtesy of GMInteractive and there's a dance floor as well.

IndigoQueen King will be our DJ for the event which will last 1 1/2-2 hours but everyone can stay as long as you like. Voice will be on for those who prefer. The Luxor region will also be open for those who want to explore together - tour boats are available in multiple locations and hold up to 4 people including the driver. The event is listed on our WT website here: https://www.wolf-grid.com/ under the Events tab, and in the Destination Guide in world.

Here's the limo: hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Luxor/539/534/97
HG Address is grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Luxor

Lone Wolf: Amazing Social. I had such a great time! 12 months ago
ATLAS is pleased to host the HG Safari on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 9 PM UTC. This event is brought to you by Thirza Ember https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2024/02/atlas-tv.html

ATLAS aura le plaisir d'accueillir le HG Safari Mercredi 21 Février à 22 heures, heure de Paris. Cet évènement est organisé par Thirza Ember https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2024/02/atlas-tv.html

LadyKa: J'ai hâte d'y être !!! A tout à l'heure :-) 12 months ago

grand opening of under water wonderland

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of our inaugural event at the Lotus Club on Luxor!

I will never forget being at Austin's very first Opensim concert a few years back on our old grid and being blown away. Now I am honored that he will be the first to sing at Luxor.

HG Address: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Luxor