Cowboy Country

Cowboy Country
Role playing
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2 months ago
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COWBOY COUNTRY is a detailed 2x2 large western town. Very light, informal roleplay. In other words, we assume a character and that's who we are. The town has a lot to explore including: a church, train station, newspaper office, trade store, boot store, dress shop. hat shop, cafe, hotel, general store, saloon, boarding house, bathhouse, tack shop, men's wear shop, barber shop, gunsmith, livery stable, blacksmith, carpentry shop, jail, courthouse, wells fargo bank, post office, undertaker and a salvation army store with free outfits to fit the theme. Also a city hall that houses a theater, a library, the mayor’s office and an attorney’s office. All furnished and functional. It also has a town square and a school house with functional playground. Residential area includes a number of for rent residential log cabins, a farm, and a social hall. Further out you will find a gypsy camp, an indian village and the JRR cattle ranch where Gid has his log cabin, stable, and bunk house. Everything is detailed and furnished, so it's fun to explore not just the outside but inside of each building that isn't a personal residence, which is clearly marked. There are also three places where you can get a rowboat to row around the island (just click on the gold bell for a boat). Stop at the livery stable for a horse. Lots of room for horseback riding.
Enjoy dancing and line dancing in the saloon or social hall--or at the town square pavilion. Western dance bots are in the cow skull dance machine or in the original clubmaster dance ball. Streaming music is country or bluegrass.

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