Eternal Orchid

Eternal Orchid
Added by :
Cynamun Adored
Created :
4 months ago
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If region shows offline, it will boot up when you enter. Ride on a smooth magical Dandelion, Hot Air Balloon & Take Luigi's Island Boat Tour (enter at your own risk). If you love nature and magical places, then you came to the right spot. Scenic Hills, Rivers, Ruins, Romantic Tranquil areas, Zen Garden, Fantasy & Fae Areas. You can also view the Rivendell Oar here or enjoy horseback riding, and dancing (couples, singles & line dancing). There's a beach for you sportsmen with Opensim Fishing. So many wonderful places to explore in this region & nice photography areas. No nudity allowed. Freebies are scattered about the region.

You can teleport up to the Rock Tribute Concert Area & listen to Pink Floyd streaming music & media 24/7.

This is just a collection of my favorite things that I have gathered over many grids and years, so many thanks to those creators.

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Last checked:
3 months ago

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Lynnestra Parker I was hopping around. Looking for a nice romantic spot to explore with that special someone. Loved this place! So many spots to look at and enjoy! Thank you for building this. :)
SheaButter Sadly got a message, "Am not allowed in this world.
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