Avedon Park


Beautiful sim, catch the music on a Wednesday night if you can. An amazing time with wonderful folks!

12 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Just went for a visit and you've done a great job on your region Soda, well done!

11 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Amazingly beautiful sim! So much to see... endless creativity. As others have said, try to catch one of the Wednesday night parties if you can. If you are lucky enough to hear Soda DJ, you will not soon forget it.

12 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

This sim is something you really have to see to understand the love of the creator. The attention to details and the story behind it will grab you into the world created and you will start to see Avedon as it was meant to be seen. The creator Soda, I dont know where to start here, yes she is an amazing friend of mine, A soul of love and a sense of humor ranging from the adult, to the reserved that everyone can enjoy. The sim reflects her love of her friends who circle around her to her music which is something you have to experience to understand. Some days you will find it peaceful and serine and some nights, when the stars align just right, and the lights in the sky are their brightest, you will find a sound in the club that draws you in, to this amazing human on the stage, Soda doing what she was born to do, and the greatest people on the dance floor you could ever be around.....bring your heart and leave a little of it for the Park until you return again and again

12 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Jeanne Lefavre
I took time and walked in the park. The story of James Avedon started to become real inside me. So far back and still so near. This is a beautiful place and so much more. Strolling around was an immersive experience. Inside me, I became part of the environment and its message. I reflected on my own life here. I learned much and I recommend Avedon warmly for all who have time to stop and reflect..

12 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

12/28 didn't stay long and didn't see everything, but over all very beautifully done and the people I ran into were very pleasant. Definitely will have to make it back some time and maybe stay a while get to know the people better. A party or special event to give people a reason to stick around and get to know would be great at the landing spot.

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

I had fun riding around on a scooter. :) Nice build. :)

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Beautiful sim.

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Roland Francis
Lovely landing experience, great hardscaping and eye stroking blending of contemporary objects with mystical landscaping. I had a long stroll and a picknick until the sun went down, only to discover that evening shopping in a beautifully balanced lighted village is an experience that I did not anticipate to. Simply gorgeous.

11 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Gorgeous place, made by a true artist. ♥ If you get the chance to hear the owner, Soda, DJ a party...jump on it.

12 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report