Twiztid Timez Welcome Area

Twiztid Timez Welcome Area
Added by :
[TTG]Twiztid Timez Grid
Created :
2 years ago
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Home to;
Funsize Dinkies World Resort & Funsize Academy
Bare Lilies (Satellite)
Mystery - Fine Furniture
BOSSBABE - Ladies Fashions
FAITH FASHIONS - Ladies & Men's Fashions
GOLPHER'S GARAGE - Water Features & More
SUM - Fine Furniture & Buildings (exclusive to residents only)

HOSTED - Every Friday
10am – 12pm (GRID/SLT/PST)
hop:// Timez Welcome Area/469/446/22

GRID owned Regions will specialize in original and legitimate PREMIUM content. Items will be Gifted and/or Sold to residents and/or Exclusive Group Members by Store.

(NOTE) In our "FREE SHOPPING" areas we will offer copies of some items found throughout Opensim that were Full Perm such as Complete Avatars, Landscape, and Decor. In our Welcome Area much of our landscaping and build is all Legitmate content and can't be shared. We share what we can.

Please Do Not change the permissions of items you acquire throughout your time in our grid.

In an effort to be inclusive in OpenSim and to help honor creators Permissions and TOS, Twiztid Timez Grid DOES NOT & WILL NOT offer god mode to residents.

Twiztid Timez Grid is open to all guests from all grids unless you or your grid has been banned for abuse, bullying, griefing or copybotting.

We are more of a family friendly sim. Clothing required and be sure all your bits are tastefully covered in the G and M rated areas or you'll be asked to go home and change.

Humans, Dinkies, Furries, & Child Avis (don't get weird) allowed in the Welcome Area, the Sandbox, the Community Farm and anywhere else other region owners allow as long as it's G Rated or M rated with an accompanying parental figure. DO NOT ABUSE CHILD AVIS, RESIDENTS or GUESTS or you'll be BANNED without any notice!

ATHENA BODY is NOT a Copybot of Maitreya Lara! This has been confirmed with the owner of Maitreya by me personally! When original Athena body was released in OpenSim, Maitreya reviewed it and found no reason to file a DMCA. It's a Knock Off but not copybotted!

ANY FREEBIES passed thru the Grid are NOT the responsibility of Twiztid Timez Grid or affilliates! We DO NOT SUPPORT COPYBOTTING and WILL BAN anyone caught using it! HOWEVER, WE WILL Not BAN based on what you acquired in OpenSim Freely. Each Region Owner takes responsibility for their own content and holds Twiztid Timez Grid and affiliates harmless from DMCA or any and all legal Action. UPLOAD & SHARE at your own risk.

IF YOU SEE an ITEM that has a DMCA or YOU are the creator, please reach out to the Grid Owner or Grid Admins so we can address it and remove it from the GRID.

Keywords; karaoke,live music,movies,games,greedy,bowling,fishing,shopping,mesh,bom,dinky,dinkies,furry,furries,child,children,kids,clothes,fashion,athena,legacy,reborn,belleza,slink, kupra,signature,aethstic,starter avatars,starter avi,avatar,avi,costumes,clothing,accessories,furniture,landscaping & much more!

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Last checked:
26 minutes ago

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Reviews (6)
Overall Rating:
Chant Incredibly amazing - absolutely love what you are creating at Twiztid Timez - brilliant name for our times and brilliant designs.
Ted Junior One word BEAUTIFUL Location. Lots of Little Areas , shopping and to have an ice cream :)
Adore Love place to Visits, looking for something Different this would be a Great place to visit and shop, thank you for sharing Good Job more than 5 star its worth your time to visit .

Region Comments

Very well put together, very well organized and a totally beautiful setting, I very much enjoyed visiting and will, no doubt, be back to enjoy this place more. Great job!!
What a ride it has been Abbey, a fantastic journey with you and your creative talent is incredible. Congratulations on your fabulous grid which is so carefully created to ensure it is the best place in open sim. Well done my friend ♥
December 31, 2023 @ 12:00am (Midnight)
Whoo hoo let the party begin! ♥