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Spax Orion
Aquadark is: classic content at it's FINEST. This is what freebie stores in Opensim SHOULD BE. Everything here appears to be ORIGINAL, not the same old copy-ripped nonsense all of the other freebie shops keep peddling. KUDOS TO YOU!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Jupiter Rowland
The legend from 2010 is back. They say that when Aquadark shut down in 2019, Metropolis lost its best mall by far. But now, Aquadark has been revived on Lacchi Macchi's own grid.

If you expect the newest, hottest SL stuff, you'll be disappointed. If you expect the SL "classics" from 2015 to 2019, you'll be disappointed, too. This is not your typical "freebie mall" churning out stolen content. Nothing here is from SL. In fact, there is no rigged mesh to be found anywhere. However, if you still prefer the system body with classic clothes, you'll find lots of exclusive content. Some of it may also be useful for today's BoM bodies. As a bonus, there are AOs and dance HUDs. Most of what Aquadark offers was made by Lacchi or her friends.

Some items cost in-world money, and it currently isn't possible to make more of it. But you should never run out of it at Aquadark.

The ground floor offers you lots of one-prim furniture and construction basics among other things. Yes, you may have seen some of the texture boxes elsewhere. But back in the day, they were useful for construction starters who didn't already have loads of textures.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

(*>v<) ゞ*゜+ giving stars
Seems I missed AquaDark and I did not know it ??? Lol. Had fun shopping for all that stuff lost because of life, time, avatar, and grid changes. Was fun trying it all on ....again. Thanks to much.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report