Welcome to Raels World, Past, Present and Future- a small place of myth, magic, sci-fi and fantasy. We have a Medieval town, Numerus Castles, a Harbor, a Japanese Dojo, Mayan and Egyptian Pyramids, a Cinema & Entertainment complex, Greek/Roman Forum, Norse Halls, Victorian Estate, Freebee Store (A collection of stuff from around Opensim- Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Furniture, Veichles, Musical instruments, Homes, Clothing, Gaming Consoles, Avatars,) and we have an Airport... Use the TP
Pads, or follow the paths to explore...Part of Wolf Territories Grid....Open Sim Musician, Artist. A safe space for Autistic users. My Center Friends of Autism, Autism content in the main house, come in and learn a bit about the condition. Also a Centre for Bipolar disorder education and education centre on ADHD. This seems atm, to be the only Autistic/ADHD & Bipolar themed place in opensim. We also have a Club. My artwork is up at the Art Gallery next to the club and free to copy...
All my music is available to stream on major platforms in world on this region..
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