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Thank you @JupiterRowland for bringing to my attention that I included my MashUp OSW beacon in the recent OAR I gave out to the Outworldz DreamGrid community. Those that have that OAR can you please do me a huge favor and delete the OSW Beacon that was included in the MashUp OAR you have. Then restart your sims. It would be greatly appreciated. I have updated the OAR and Fred will get it in the updater soon. I apologize for that oversight. Thanks again, Jupiter!

Jupiter Rowland: No problem, Marianna. I was glad to help. 1 years ago
MashUp has several floors of props, poses, and images.
This can be a great creative outlet and can be used to tell stories and express emotions. MashUp images you take can be used in your ads.

Marianna : I have given this OAR to Fred, it will be available for download in the coming days. Have fun! 1 years ago
MashUp is now completed with several floors of props, poses, and images.
This can be a great creative outlet and can be used to tell stories and express emotions. MashUp images you take can be used in your ads.

I created new photo shoots today that I think you will enjoy!!

Marianna : The fishing rod completed it thank you @JamieAnnaWright 1 years ago