
Region apparently was offline, and we were unaware. If any issues in receiving items, you can notify Bob and myself Shea. We are always glad to help.
Lots of cool looking stuff to copy, Shame none of it actually arrives in your inventory :(
If you have a problem, we are glad to help. Have no one else having that issue.
I visited a few times, the first time it logged me out after 5 minutes of being there. Then the region could not be found for a while after that. (I assume the region went down)
I then returned the next day and grabbed a few items. I then had to return to try and get them again as they were not in my inventory. Upon returning I tried to pick up the items again, I waited for 5 minutes and still they were not in my inventory. So I left empty handed. I have never had that happen before. I will try visiting again later. :)
It was rebooted this morning. We are not always there and aware of things happening. Only way to fix things is to be notified. Is there specific items that i could send you?
well this was 8 days ago when it happened. Not to worry, it was probably just bad timing on my part. I probably just happened to visit while your grid was busy doing stuff. I seem to remember scrolling through a vendor when the sim logged me out. Not sure if that caused the sim to crash. I will pop by again soon and try again. If I still have no luck I will grab the names of things.
Thanks :)
A huge collection of animesh, well done Bob, I loved to see how you have been developed in time . Shea did a great job by arranging everything, well done you both!
Everything free to copy! ~~SHARING IS CARING~~ GIVING IS LIVING~~