Malena is a german friend from Second Life... She gave me this wonderful artwork to show in Open World.
All Cozy Comforts Friends are invited to check the hunt for presents..... As we dont have voice at Zetaworlds, we can use our discord channel.... But the music is also nice for the party... maybe i will start djing again.....
We have 27 Rentals in the City, the Hotel and on the Beach! Ask for list of landmarks!
Welcome to our new region at zetaworlds! The moving is almost perfect..... Yesterday was the Equinox of day and night.... Mabon is an old celtic holiday.... pagan if you want..... there are 8 parts of the year.... I am celebrating the beginning of this part and i will leave behind the last weeks that were quite difficult for me because there were construction works in my garden and i felt very disturbed.... they left today! Yeah! On Saturday we have flew market all around in our city and i will be happy to have some guests.... so party time!
Dear friends,
we are happy to invite you to our Harvest Festival at Cozy Comforts Club!
We introduce our new DJ Henk from Netherlands!
Bring your friends!
hop:// Comforts World/224/225/25
We are looking forward to party with you!
A Guided Tour on the big Cozy Comforts World Region!
See more pictures here:
David will play tonite at SL but I will stream him here in VWZ at Cozy Comforts!
This is not a tribute show, it is live!
Next week he will be live in OS....
Djane Bomba has her only show each week in a Club in SL called Satyr... we are allowed to stream her....
Hey there, we have a party every first Saturday of the month.... for Mai we will present black and white real life photography half nudes .... DJ Kashi will play some good music! Virtual Worlds Zone is a non commercial grid, but we can exchange services... hope to see you at the party ---> coming Saturday at Noon grid time!
will be a show program together with the pictures
This will be the art show for June, only for adults... if you are not scared and want to play some music, send a message!
We are looking for performers for our partys on the celtic wheel....
Hey friends and live music lovers!
Winter will sing and play guitar for us on 28 of April at 11 am slt.
It is a thursday before Beltane.... Beltane is the big witch festival in pagan holidays.
In old celtic tradition it is a spring time party with some erotic atmosphere.
Our ancestors might have group sex, who knows?
Our party will be at Cozy Comforts Zetaworlds Beach.
With Winter, you can be sure that you will only get a real live performance. There is no pre-recorded playback. You get all the little variances of his "in the moment" showing, as he radiates out to each of you that request his interpretation, the finest music in SL. Yes, my friend, WINTER IS HERE!
Invite all your friends and lets party!
Aphra Hendrix sending huggs to all of you!
Portrait of the Celtic Holidays: Yule,
the rebirth of light - historical and
Winter solstice rituals
Yule is the name of the winter solstice festival on December 21, which is one of the holiest sun celebrations in the Celtic year. At the same time, the twelve so-called raucous nights begin on the shortest day of the year, followed by the longest night. These were considered particularly magical by the Celts, which is why they fumigated their home with special herbal mixtures every day during this time.
December 21st marks the time of the lowest position of the sun and thus the beginning of winter in the calendar. Nevertheless: From crisp minus temperatures on the thermometer to snow mountains to almost spring-like conditions, everything is possible at the moment. After all, the days are getting longer again from now on; it is also said that light is reborn.
Portrait des fêtes celtiques : Yule,
la renaissance de la lumière - historique et
Rituels du solstice d'hiver
Yule est le nom du festival du solstice d'hiver du 21 décembre, qui est l'une des célébrations du soleil les plus sacrées de l'année celtique. Dans le même temps, les douze nuits dites tapageuses commencent le jour le plus court de l'année, suivi de la nuit la plus longue. Ceux-ci étaient considérés comme particulièrement magiques par les Celtes, c'est pourquoi ils fumigaient leur maison avec des mélanges d'herbes spéciaux chaque jour pendant cette période.
Le 21 décembre marque l'heure de la position la plus basse du soleil et donc le début de l'hiver dans le calendrier. Néanmoins : des températures négatives croustillantes sur le thermomètre aux montagnes enneigées aux conditions presque printanières, tout est possible pour le moment. Après tout, les jours rallongent à nouveau à partir de maintenant ; on dit aussi que la lumière renaît.
Die keltischen Feiertage im Porträt: Yule,
die Wiedergeburt des Lichts – Historisches und
Rituale zur Wintersonnenwende
Yule heißt das Fest zur Wintersonnenwende am 21. Dezember, das eine der heiligsten Sonnenfeiern im Keltischen Jahr darstellt. Zugleich beginnen am kürzesten Tag des Jahres, gefolgt von der längsten Nacht die zwölf sogenannten Raunächte. Diese galten bei den Kelten als besonders magisch, weshalb sie ihr Heim während dieser Zeit täglich mit speziellen Kräutermischungen ausräucherten.
Der 21. Dezember markiert den Zeitpunkt des tiefsten Sonnenstandes und damit den kalendarischen Winteranfang. Dennoch: Von knackigen Minustemperaturen auf dem Thermometer über Schneeberge bis hin zu beinahe frühlingshaften Zuständen ist momentan alles möglich. Immerhin werden die Tage ab jetzt wieder länger; man sagt auch, das Licht wird neu geboren.
We are happy to invite you to our Samhain Halloween Party at Cozy Comforts!
We will play some 80ies and 90ies tracks.....
come to Cozy Comforts Beach Club!
hop:// Comforts World/405/144/25
on Friday, 29th of october at Noon Grid Time!
bring boxes with surprises if you like....
you can come as you are, just bits covered is wanted.
We would be happy to see you then!
Aphra and Symphony
Please come to meet at our Cozy Comforts World Region that we rezzed now in Zetaworlds.... we have much less lag.... come and visit and celebrate with us that Cozy Comforts World is still existing.....