Scagnar Adult

Role playing
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4 years ago
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Far north to the east of Hunjer and south of Skjern nestled just off the shores of Torvaldsland is a small island in the Thassa called Scagnar. Inhabited by Torvaldslanders, the Village of Scagnar is looking for RPers to join our story. Gorean Freebies, Gorean Store, Gorean Housing, Viking Role Play, 18+ Adult, Combat, Capture, Slaves, Bonds, Free Women, Raids.

The Isle of Scagnar
Where: Scagnar
When: 4 years ago [19 Feb 2021 03:43 SLT]

Far north to the east of Hunjer and south of Skjern nestled just off the shores of Torvaldsland is a small island in the Thassa called Scagnar. Inhabited by Torvaldslanders, the Village of Scagnar is looking for RPers to join our story. Gorean Freebies, Gorean Store, Gorean Housing, Viking Role Play, 18+ Adult, Combat, Capture, Slaves, Bonds, Free Women, Raids.

The Gates will be open
Where: Scagnar
When: 4 years ago [12 Feb 2021 03:40 SLT]

We will begin to open the gates for new villagers looking for a new home and a place to RP outside of SL.

Scagnar Welcomes Gor RPers
Where: Scagnar
When: 4 years ago [2 Feb 2021 13:45 SLT]

The village is starting to grow...come explore it and role play with us.

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Last checked:
3 years ago

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Reviews (7)
Overall Rating:
SveinBluetooth Amazing Gor/Viking Village...I will be coming back with more people!
Gundahar Bravin Whenever I try to teleport in from my region in Neverworld, it makes my Firestorm quit. Not sure why?
ErikForkbeard Wow! The best Gor Village I have seen! I cant wait to to build a new chapter here. Sick of SL

Region Comments

We do have a ban in effect for anyone from the Sacrarium grids. I Don't know why but that's the only thing i can see causing an issue to connect... add me as a friend if you can Ivar.Forkbeard with or without the dot between ivar and forkbeard...I will try to tp you maybe we can figure out what the issue is.