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Quisiera saber por qué razón me tienen baneada? Siempre entré a Camballa sin ningún problema y allí me han informado que ellos no han sido y ahora cuando entro me sacan volando con la firma de Nasti Bakerly. Espero sus noticias. Gracias
Soul es verdaderamente maravilloso, muchas gracias por compartirla con nosotros ♥
this are fantastic grid!!!
I would like to know why am i getting ejected from all the soul grids? Whats going on?
Yeah Marcia, it seems this grid is run by " spinner", they have a automated system that kicks you out as soon as you enter one of their regions, unbelievable fools, just ignore them and let them die, those morons.
I just wanted to understand why I was blocked from your land I didn't do anything my name is marcia scaramal
I truely love this grid. It's like you wander around Second Life 2.0. you can see the love for OS, well done!