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Sin City Adult

Sin City
Added by :
Created :
5 years ago
Traffic Rank:
Avatars in Region:

In virtualife you can rent your region without having an account in our grid.
So no loss of inventory, you can use all your objects in your avatar.

All regions are with voice, full of powers and owner summer manager.
The prices are:
single region with 20000 prims 8 euro monthly

2x2 region with 30000 prims 15 Euros monthly
4x4 region with 45 prims 28 euro a month.

Mini grid ready for u
contact me for email

grid ready for u hg.astraliacraft.it:8002:Welcome

we rent regions in virtualife, astralia craft, metropolis and osgrid.
MIni grid with 12 regions just 50 $ mounth
setup free. Contact in email ganicard@gmail.com

we rent regions m virtualife, metropolis and osgrid

We rent regions in virtualife, metropolis and osgrid

we rent regions in virtualife, metropolis and osgrid

we wait u

we rent regions in virtualife and osgrid
single region with 20000 prims just 9 $
no need create avatar in this grids

Rent u region in virtualife
no need account creation

New price for dedicated server
visit site

u can rent my regions in hypergrid
site www.virtualife.cloud

we rent dedicated server with 64 g ram, windows server or linux, setup free just 100 euro mounth
Ready for opensim
In virtualife you can rent a region without the need to create an avatar in hypergid
only $ 9 a month for a region with 20,000 prims

Region Status:
Avatars in region:
Last checked:
4 years ago

Visit this region:
Hop V3HG HG Local Grid

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Upcoming Events
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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Antonela Capali Fake Traffic Two or sometimes 5 avatars in region 24 hours a day with no one home Shame they game the opensimworld system to get higher rankings !!!
Likes (4) view all

Region Comments

yeah but they are NEVER online! :(
we hel u for create grid
send me email to ganicard@gmail.com or skype diemme2