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Misty Pond

Misty Pond
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Created :
4 years ago
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NEW! The official hangout for Neverworld Grid. Designed by Locked Semaphore this region has several distinct areas. Hang out and socialize by the crackling fire, play a hand of solitaire at the gaming area, watch live performers at the concert venue or watch a movie or dance to tunes at the event venue. The sim is surrounded by all you need to start in Neverworld - free housing, welcome area, shopping, and exploring. Come over!

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1 month ago

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Region Comments

Hello! I am having difficulty rezzing my NeverWorld Grid avatar Janae Tarr. I have tried eveything that I can think of to bring my avatar's image back. I have a bug called Horse. I think this problem I'm having is due to a couple of attachments that I can just not detach from my avatar. I had picked up these two items from another grid and had attached them to my avatar. I had apparently forgotten to detach them from my avatar when I was done with NeverWorld Grid at the time. I have not heard back from NeverWorld Grid Support, so I am wondering if anyone who's out there could please shed some awareness as to how I can fix this problem. Thank you for taking the time to read this! It is much appreciated.
Sent you a private message here and in world hope this helps