5000Seahorses @5000Seahorses

North America Offline

Hello out there! I just love virtual worlds and am avatar-crazy!

Joined 1 years ago

About Myself

I have written some stories and two or three books. My favorite colors are all shades of blue and light blue-violet. I am a vegetarian. My favorite holiday is Halloween/Samhain.

My Interests

Although I have grown lazy with it overtime I still like to write. I also like to color and to go to church.

I'm Looking For

A lot of fun exploring within virtual worlds and avatars. I love storytelling and creating different avatars. And every single one of my avatars always look for an interesting time!

Favorite Quote

"The key to immortality is a life worth remembering," - Bruce Lee

Music I Like

Hip Hop, Reggae, Soul, Rap, and RnB.

Films I Like

"Despretly Seeking Susan", "How Stella Got Her Groove Back", etc.

Books I Like

The old VC Andrews book series, and so many others that are way too numerous to name.

My Heroes

Madonna, Jane Fonda, Judy Blume, Naomi Wolf, Omarisa, Oprah Winfrey, etc.

OpenSimulator Version

the latest version or the latest download of the latest verison

Viewer Version

I just use Phoenix Firestorm.


It uses a different simulator than the default simulator that the virtual worlds automatically use.

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


So since I was not able to post even one picture of Prayia Dawn Cooper on Opensimworld please feel free to see her pictures on my Facebook Wall or Page under the title Melle Le Ric.

Hyacinth: Just looked. Pretty avatar! I think we have met at some parties at Kitely. And I also lived in Oklahoma, near Tulsa for a while. And was born at Tinker AFB :D 4 months ago
I tried really really hard to add Prayia Dawn Coope's Image though. I had thought to ask three or four of my male avatar friends if they would care anything about doing this favor for me, but there just didn't seem to be a very good time to approach any of them about this favor. so here's hoping that I am doing the next best thing!
Hello out there! Opensimworld will not save the image that I wished to include with this new post. Therefore if anyone out there is interested in meeting the avatar who is advertising this ad you may come and meet my avatar Prayia Dawn Cooper in the Paha Sapa SIM or Region in Wolf Territories Grid. That being written, my avatar Prayia Dawn is searching for a Native American male avatar by a male person who would be interested in doing some roleplay with her. Most usually I provide a needed avatar as one of my alternates, but all of my friends would know that the alternate was still me so I am auditioning a brand new avatar for this "part". Okay thank you for reading this; it is much appreciated!

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This is a picture of my main avatar JatrinaBauer Ruissatel from the virtual world Second Life. *smiles*