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Skjern Adult

I would like to convey my respect to you. been on many gor sims, but still not as nice as those found here. Thank you for being open and admiring
A very nice Place..... I like it so much.
I met Rarna and she is a very nice and helpfull Woman.
I will be back :-)
Although this sim is well done, I ventured into the home area that provides all of the freebies but, due to not seeing the small private sign, did not know that taking any items was by invitation only, thus, after explaining the same to the owner, I was kicked out anyhow....I would suggest that clearer communications on this page would avoid such offensive and uncalled for behavior.
Thank you for your comment Victor, we have moved that area now, so there is not further confusion, all areas of the sim are now available to public :)