OSCC Keynote 1

Don't TP here unless you've registered it will throw a failure. TP to Keynote 2 which is open
OpenSim Community Conference OSCC is a fascinating event! Be there or be 2D.
Opensim is just not keeping up to date .. its behind. Its like SL 9 years ago. Its a museum. Creator need to keep up.
I suppose you get what you pay for.
People who have problems getting to places... you need to register, like all conference ..https://conference.opensimulator.org/2018/login-info/#top also you can view live stream.... https://gaming.youtube.com/c/AvaconOrg/live or you can TP to Landing zone.. /OSCC%20HG%20Landing%20Zone/129/132/39 ... then you can go to other areas.... i had trouble first tp from digiworldz, but i registered and got through. Keynote 1 should be open to everyone being able to land :)
https://conference.opensimulator.org/2019/login-info/#top rather than 2018 takes you tot he right registration page. But sadly I'm not going to give away all that personal information to attend. I will watch the youtube videos
You can hypergrid in without registration. Besides no one checks if you are truthful.
Access only to registered people? This is not the sense of using the OS beacon!
Its just load balancing. You can hear and interact from each all 4 regions