
Role playing
Added by :
Nyza Stillwater
Created :
8 years ago
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CONTACT: Nyza Stillwater,

Welcome to Lisianthus, an 8x8 medieval fantasy roleplay VAR region on OSGrid, which is built BY roleplayers FOR roleplayers. It is the result of a longstanding dream by a few individuals who could never afford to create a roleplay sim in Second Life and who want to enjoy immense storytelling/roleplaying with others in an inviting environment. We're not just a roleplay region, but also a community of open-minded individuals who want to embrace as much as we can across OpenSim.You don't have to be a roleplayer to visit our sim, simply come on over and take in the lovely sites. From snowy mountains, to arid desserts, and everything in between, if you've got an inch for adventure, then we're waiting for you!

Thank you for all our visitors for your past support. Lisianthus is now closed, but the memories remain. I will bring it out of storage from time to time when inspiration strikes, but, for now, this is goodbye. Best wishes in all your OpenSim endeavors!

We're moving to OSGrid, so be on the lookout for an address change in the near future.

After some serious thinking, we've decided to remain where we are on the 2x2 sim. So our address remains the same as it shows on this webpage. We are, however, doing some redecorating, so pardon our dust once again as we bring out our creative gremlins once again! of Lisianthus

Lisianthus is expanding! We've decided to try our hand with a 4x4 VAR Region, and to combine the skyboxes into a more unified sim. The old sim will remain up until the transfer is complete, which is expected to take a fair while. The new sim's address is: of Lisianthus
We had our grand opening event recently and it was a huge success! There's been quite a lot of roleplay on the forums lately, and you're welcome to join us there if you'd like. You can find full details at: Also check out Google Plus page at: for the latest roleplay headlines!
We're not completely done, but we're done enough that we'd really like to start roleplaying. If you are looking for a sim to roleplay in for medieval fantasy, we would welcome you to visit and check us out. If you haven't visited recently, drop on in and see what's new and improved. Enjoy the tour and maybe we'll roleplay with you soon!

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7 years ago

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great looking region keep up the great work
A magical place to discover and explore!