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New month, new items in ZZHOP!

Next....: Ma Unichorn....with baby, of course ;)

Venus Flytrap.....been on my list for a long time:)

Alltime fav of mine, the otter
a new animesh family, or, at least a start♫

Swananimated! him diving, her looking at her offspring:)

yet another tedious job..:)

Now also available in my shoppie: my dreaded Karnivorus..
In 2 flavors, as wearable skin and as NPC,with animations

Curves? Someone mentioned, curves? I couldnt resist:)

Ballroom now bumped and shiny

Mr. ZweetZ....he was my first animal, I bought in SL,2007:)
Now my own critter and animated! This is a stationary version , Mrs. ZweetZ will be following shortly...I hope

demzel chat

The new volcano, covering almost 3 sims, created with L3DT

Just landed! the Crane family:)

my favorite spot..

the new castle entrance

the not-all new crystal cave:)