IvarForkbeard @IvarForkbeard

Village of Scagnar Offline

Gorean RolePlayer


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We do have a ban in effect for anyone from the Sacrarium grids. I Don't know why but that's the only thing i can see causing an issue to connect... add me as a friend if you can Ivar.Forkbeard @hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002 with or without the dot between ivar and forkbeard...I will try to tp you maybe we can figure out what the issue is.
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Tried to go there from two different grid accounts it always says teleport failed unable to verify identity. Sad
Hi Ivar.. it has been going on some issues on grid these days.. Try later ,pls;. (it also could be when grid do the restart.. if I not wrong, at Mondays