As much as I despise what Putin is doing to the Ukrainian people, I have to disagree. What benefit is the slaughter of more innocent people on either side? The only one's who truly suffer in a war are the innocent on either side, who have no part, and want no part, in the war. Russia's governing body has badmouthed American for years ever since world war 2, and they will, no doubt, continue; are we justified in the slaughtering of the innocent because we happen to dislike what the political leaders are saying? Are we justified in returning evil for evil? I say pray for the Russian people and pray for the Ukrainian people and definitely pray for the American people. Our enemy is not the civilian population of Russia but the individual political leaders who act out of greed in one form or another. So no I do not support "Nuking the crap out of Russia" I support praying for them all and supporting those Russian people who are anti war.