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Rental normal size Sim 256 X 256

Only for Osgrid
Card, Paypal.

Size: 1x1 sim - 65536 sq.m.

Prim Limit: 60000

Rent: €5/mo


✓ Sunlight-Region/Osgrid/ ✓ Social ✓ Adult ✓ Private ✓ Commercial ✓ Residential

Payment Options

✓ Credit Card ✓ PayPal ✓ Other

Added by paela 7 days ago

👍 10 like Contact


absolut perfekt
If you want quality I would suggest you to stop right here, full understanding on how things work in osgrid for a great service with no bs. all done in a perfect automatisation allowing a great time efficiency. Again added to a full knowledge of OSgrid, this makes the choice rather easy. Five stars
Setup of a new region was essentially automated and available almost instantly. I'm building out the sim with a lot of assets, which puts a good performance load on the region, and no lags or slowdowns on rezzing.

Easy to make oar backups, as well as restores. Very well run and managed.
I am satisfied with Land, no lag and no problems, support is ok and I am very happy.
The stunning speed and such a lag free experience is pretty impressive. For me as a usual consumer, also the web manager is so surprising easy to deal with, ...Captain of my own land :)
Clear result of professionality and competence.
Thumbs up! Perfect Job and many Thanks :))
All runs on an automated control panel. Same day replies no matter what day of the week it is! What more can I possibly ask for 👏 Thank you Paela!
Paela buena persona y todo perfecto en su geestion con los terrenos , cuanquier duda o inconveniente solucionado inmediatamente .
Someone that I'd trust renting from.
Easy process, instant availability!