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There are a lot of really good things about this region. It's beautifully landscaped and a very well crafted build. I realize the goal here is an "historical" region depicting Indigenous peoples pre-contact. Some of these depictions have some problematic stereotypes. Please be advised that the word "squaw" is a horrible racist and misogynist slur that has been used with great harm to Indigenous women and girls. There is an NPC on the region in several locations called “Indian Squaw”. It would be much more respectful to give the NPC an actual name and personify her like you have on many of the other NPCs.. Maybe also reconsider referring to the Indigenous inhabitants as “Indian/s” unless it is a word you have the personal cultural context to reclaim. Not assuming anyone’s heritage. And if you’re not a builder from North America, you may not be aware of how this stuff lands for folks in this part of the world, particularly Indigenous folks and those who walk alongside.
sorry Jamy i was not aware , i changed the name in Autumn Sun .