MatchMaker Adult

Added by :
Glenys Bieler
Created :
3 months ago
Traffic Rank:
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Welcome to MatchMaker - a place where you can reach out to others of like mind and maybe find friendship, love or something else.

While we don't like rules, we do have to have a few.

1. This is an adult service, provided in an Adult region. All visitors must be 18+ in both real and virtual lives. All adverts must be for adult avatars seeking adult avatars.

2. This region relies on people not abusing it. Please only "buy" a board and its mailbox if you plan on using it. Anyone who buys several boards without good reason will be banned. If you want to place your board in more than one section for greater exposure then please limit this to 3 boards maximum.

3. Respect other people and their desires. If someone's board doesn't appeal to you and even offends you - be an adult and move on. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.

Please see the notecard giver at MatchMaker for instructions on how to set up a board or how to reply to a board someone has made.

Just a quick note regarding comments made when this was on OSW a while ago: The system DOES work. If you click a board and get an error about missing notecard this is because you are looking at a board that has not been "bought" by a user yet or they have not yet added a notecard. This is the expected result of clicking an "unused" board.

Please ensure your image is dragged onto the board you have purchased and not the "mailbox". Similarly, please ensure you drop the notecard on the actual board and not the mailbox. If you drop the notecard in your mailbox - only you will be able to see it!

If you reply to a board and want the owner to be able to find you (I am guessing you do or what's the point?) don't forget to put your grid's HyperGrid address and (if you have one) your region as well as your Avatar name on your home grid so they can contact you :)

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Last checked:
12 minutes ago

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