Black White Castle


Tainted Angel
A beautiful world A nostalgic region that gives you the feelings of home. A must see!

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Debra Ann Congi
Very interesting. I actually liked it. Kind of calming. I love your castle!!!!!!!!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

My visit to your sim was entertaining and inspiring. I encourage All to visit this sim.
My imagination was prompted to see the colors. A positive brain tuning.
I felt like I was part of the old black and white television world some of us grew up with. As youngsters, we watched our technological world move from black and white to color right in front of our eyes.
Footnote: My maternal grandfather was an artist and engineer at heart and always had the latest and greatest technology he could afford in his home and available for us (he worked in the iron and steel industries). I, my siblings, and cousins all benefited and learned from that curiosity he had about everything.
I thank you for this experience and precious memories.

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Chelsea Louloudi
So impressive and so relaxing
(Thinking of all the work that went into this)

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report