GOR! : Gorean Freebie Market and Roleplay Information Center. The welcome area for the Island of Skjern. The Mildrheimr of Skjern is a privately owned, adult (21+) sim which has been created with the ideals and cultures of the John Norman Gor book series and focuses primarily on the life and culture of the Gorean North in Torvaldsland. We here in Skjern, strive to be BTB (By the Book) roleplay, interpreting the information provided in the book to be as close to the culture and ideals of John Norman as possible. We will not discuss Gor quotes or the 'realism' of things happening here in Skjern as the story has been laid out before you as OUR interpretation, with BTB methods always held in the highest regard. If you roleplay here, you are aware of this understanding and accept it.