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Aotearoa Adult

Tena Koutou, Well time has flown on the farm since we started . Many animals have come, matured, reproduced and have unfortunately passed on. Its so sad to have spent that time caring for them and they live such a short life. Our farm veggie patch grew to being a very busy garden but with a few hiccup's along the way we have reduced it to a manageable level. Nothing is finished when your always tweaking along the way and we like to think it is improving our home. We always enjoy the odd fellow OS resident that pops in to say hi. We always like to sit down and enjoy a chat and put the kettle on.
So those that haven't called in for a cuppa, your always welcome to drop in.
If you want to wonder around there are 4 VARs that have so many little hidden gems along the way. Pack a lunch you will need to. :)
That's it folks till next time Kia Ora