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New Assets 30/10/2020
Texture Organizer,more & Mystery Victorian Manor House
(incleded Furnitures BOX)
Decadence HG Mesh Body Decadence HG Clothes any shop
but difficult get BODIES...
Any Needfull Thing here......

HanHeld: I saw some ruth2 applier things I haven't seen other places, and a few other odds and ends. Anyways, @Livene's doing more than I am these days so have a "like" 2 years ago
Now Open X'mas Assets Ware House for your SHOP and HOME..
Any for Shop & Home Christmas Decorations Premium Mesh..
========== Aviworlds Memers Here ==========
image link : https://prnt.sc/vix99l
Not There Now, Aviworld Much Heavy &Slow
have a good day!

Outfit more over 1000 clothes..

Mesh Avatrs Athena Petito more
New ITEMS ' LiLi Heels ' image: https://prnt.sc/vkjj5d
Touch BUY Red Botterns...