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Fairy Land


Olá boa tarde contamos com sua ajuda pra criar uma maternidade no kater-and-friends.ddnss.de:8002 nome BiaBladeVellikye e também queremos montar uma no aviworlds contamos com vc e com seus intens bjs e obrigada super bem vindo(o)(a)!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Passion Jumanji
My grid is still here . . . just taking a break for a bit . . . I should have said this a while back . . . so very sorry . . . I will be back soon and add more nice things to you all to visit, see and make yourself comfy here ;) Also, I will get some more freebie stuff for you all to take home with you and enjoy! Huggelz to you all!

When you visit here, for the time being . . . please use the map to tp to other regions until I get a tp system activated here . . . so much to do here . . . things take time . . . I wish I could be as magical as my fairys are that live here . . . and be able to twitch my nose back and forth and blink my eyes and voi la! There . . . things go into place in a matter of seconds ;) Giggelz ;) I'm loving every moment of fixing up this grid just the way that I want it to be and am having ooodles of fun doing this . . . i've never even imagined having a grid of my own and now am having UBER SUPER DUPER fun doing it while visitors that come are my friends & new people whom I have become friends with! I love meeting new people and making new friends! ENJOY! & Thank You for visiting my grid! Huggelz to all of you ;)

5 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report