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Southern Bayou Adult

Southern Bayou
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Tropical Isles , the home of the Palm Tree Amphitheatre, Snug Harbor and our Rental Office. Check out the homes and islands that are available for short term stay in Tropical Isles. Perhaps you would like to become a full time resident here or own your very own little spot in paradise?

CLAN ESCOTIA 2pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [17 Jul 2020 14:00 SLT]

People call me Clan and I do the best I can to make people smile, at least for a while.....
so come and dance along and I'll sing the song to make you move those feet and I won't miss a beat.
Or just enjoy the music, it's up to you, just choose it but be sure to attend and your ears to me just lend.

CLAN ESCOTIA 2pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [3 Jul 2020 14:00 SLT]

People call me Clan and I do the best I can to make people smile, at least for a while.....
so come and dance along and I'll sing the song to make you move those feet and I won't miss a beat.
Or just enjoy the music, it's up to you, just choose it but be sure to attend and your ears to me just lend.

CLAN ESCOTIA 2pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [19 Jun 2020 14:00 SLT]

People call me Clan and I do the best I can to make people smile, at least for a while.....
so come and dance along and I'll sing the song to make you move those feet and I won't miss a beat.
Or just enjoy the music, it's up to you, just choose it but be sure to attend and your ears to me just lend.

DJ STRUMMER 5-7pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [9 Jun 2020 17:00 SLT]

IF you havent been to one of his sets you are missing out.
Strummer's antics keep us all in stitches. Come on over to Palm Tree Amphitheatre and get *STRUMMERFIED *
Dance to all the great tunes he spins. Requests are welcome.

DJ STRUMMER 5-7pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [2 Jun 2020 17:00 SLT]

IF you havent been to one of his sets you are missing out.
Strummer's antics keep us all in stitches. Come on over to Palm Tree Amphitheatre and get *STRUMMERFIED *
Dance to all the great tunes he spins. Requests are welcome.

DJ STRUMMER 5-7pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [26 May 2020 17:00 SLT]

IF you havent been to one of his sets you are missing out.
Strummer's antics keep us all in stitches. Come on over to Palm Tree Amphitheatre and get *STRUMMERFIED *
Dance to all the great tunes he spins. Requests are welcome.

The call of the Great White North never sounded quite like this. Belinda & Troy Portland give you a taste of East Coast Canadian hospitality.
Half baked, fully fried, musical fun straight from their salt water cured minds.

AUSTIN MOORES 7pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [21 May 2020 19:00 SLT]

goto.theencoreescape.com:8002/Tropical Isles
Austin is a vocalist in the virtual worlds of Second Life and on the opensim platform of the hypergrid.
His music began in elementary school through high school. and continued playing brass instruments in orchestras and bands for years past that time,
and switched to flute in college. Guitar has also been a staple instrument. He has sung in choirs,
groups, and has done many solo performances as far as Italy

DJ STRUMMER 5-7pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [12 May 2020 17:00 SLT]

IF you havent been to one of his sets you are missing out.
Strummer's antics keep us all in stitches. Come on over to Palm Tree Amphitheatre and get *STRUMMERFIED *
Dance to all the great tunes he spins. Requests are welcome.

The call of the Great White North never sounded quite like this. Belinda & Troy Portland give you a taste of East Coast Canadian hospitality.
Half baked, fully fried, musical fun straight from their salt water cured minds.

CLAN ESCOTIA LIVE 3pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [5 May 2020 15:00 SLT]

Follow the adventures of singing talent Clan Escotia as he travels around the metaverse bringing his unique mix of live and studio recorded songs to venues near you!
A professional singer in real life, Clan is currently in lock down in Scotland and available to entertain at your next event!
Hi, People call me Clan and I do the best I can to make people smile..at least for a while.

DJ STRUMMER 5-7pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [5 May 2020 17:00 SLT]

IF you havent been to one of his sets you are missing out.
Strummer's antics keep us all in stitches. Come on over to Palm Tree Amphitheatre and get *STRUMMERFIED *
Dance to all the great tunes he spins. Requests are welcome.

The call of the Great White North never sounded quite like this. Belinda & Troy Portland give you a taste of East Coast Canadian hospitality.
Half baked, fully fried, musical fun straight from their salt water cured minds.

DJ STRUMMER 5-7pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [28 Apr 2020 17:00 SLT]

IF you havent been to one of his sets you are missing out.
Strummer's antics keep us all in stitches. Come on over to Palm Tree Amphitheatre and get *STRUMMERFIED *
Dance to all the great tunes he spins. Requests are welcome.

The call of the Great White North never sounded quite like this. Belinda & Troy Portland give you a taste of East Coast Canadian hospitality.
Half baked, fully fried, musical fun straight from their salt water cured minds.

Potlatch Foggarty 6pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [21 Apr 2020 18:00 SLT]

The Birthday Party continues for Troy Portland. Potlatch's interest in the diverse applications of music, video and audio refuses to accept boundaries. Whether he lends his vocals to an original, Jazz, Big Band, Hard or Soft Rock cover song, a heartfelt and harmonic effort is the result.

DJ Strummer4-6pm @Palm Tree Amphitheatre
Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [21 Apr 2020 16:00 SLT]

It is Troy Portland's birhtday so please come out and party with us. Strummer is starting things off tonight and you do not want to miss him.
Come on over and get *STRUMMERFIED * Dance to all the great tunes he spins. Requests are welcome.

Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [2 Apr 2020 18:00 SLT]

OPEN TO ALL GRIDZ ~ Ahoy Mateys, just a reminder the Encore Escape Back Bay Poker Run starts @6:00 pm and you're invited. It's a race to find the hidden poker cards scattered across the open water. The clues will be given out 5 minutes prior to the start of the race at the Snug Harbor & Docks. Great tunez by Country Bob, lots of fun and gloebits to the one with the highest poker hand. You don't have to know how to play poker to win. It's a boatload of fun

Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [26 Mar 2020 18:00 SLT]

OPEN TO ALL GRIDZ ~ Ahoy Mateys, just a reminder the Encore Escape Back Bay Poker Run starts @6:00 pm and you're invited.
It's a race to find the hidden poker cards scattered across the open water. The clues will be given out 5 minutes prior to the start of the race at the Snug Harbor & Docks.
Great tunez by Country Bob, lots of fun and gloebits to the one with the highest poker hand. You don't have to know how to play poker to win. It's a boatload of

Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [19 Mar 2020 18:00 SLT]

OPEN TO ALL GRIDZ ~ Ahoy Mateys, just a reminder the Encore Escape Back Bay Poker Run starts @6:00 pm and you're invited.
It's a race to find the hidden poker cards scattered across the open water. The clues will be given out 5 minutes prior to the start of the race at the Snug Harbor & Docks.
Great tunez by Country Bob, lots of fun and gloebits to the one with the highest poker hand. You don't have to know how to play poker to win. It's a boatload of

Where: Southern Bayou
When: 5 years ago [12 Mar 2020 18:00 SLT]

POKER RUN ~OPEN TO ALL GRIDZ Ahoy Mateys, just a reminder the Encore Escape Back Bay Poker Run starts @6:00 pm and you're invited.
It's a race to find the hidden poker cards scattered across the open water, following the clues given at Snug Harbor & Docks.
You don't have to know how to play poker to win. It's a boatload of fun so, hope to see you there.

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