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Don't look UP (!)

Very much apprciated having 25 HG Safari group members visiting WesLorien at ViBel Grid & joining them to visit Hobbiton @ Fred Bekhusen's Outworldz grid.
We had a great time, made a few new connections with the Seconde Vie French community and enthousiatically talked about animesh scripting for wandering animals with the help and a gentle push in the back of a friend who provided the core functionality here https://opensimworld.com/library?view=99

Read the full article by Thirza Ember on the HGSafari blog here: https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2022/10/into-west.html#more

That's Weslorien on a bright day

Looking familiar?

A more Tolkien-esque upgrade to WesLorien: new waterfalls and some housing mods. Enjoy. (Edit on 2021Oct31: swapped the picture with a better composed one)
