Shinobar Annex

Shinobar Annex
Added by :
Masaki Shinomiya
Created :
6 years ago
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Outfits for Ruth2v4 bakes on mesh(BoM) and classic avatars. Scripts for vehicles, tour ride. NPC dance balls, animated mesh, bar equipment.
Enjoy shopping by bonus $, which you get at the first visit.
All FREE to copy in the Shinobar regions not only in the shops. You can resell them in any price or by free.

Akiho BoM, bakes on mesh avatar released, with tan lined 4 skin colors. Based on the Ruth2 v4.

Undies essentials both for classic and for bakes on mesh (BoM) avatars.

Ruth/Roth BoM, bakes on mesh avatars available.

Ichime-gasa, Japanese classic full face shield with hat, available at Shinobar Annex.

Fashionable masks

New release YUKATA, Japanese traditional colorfull summer wear.

The tour ride scripts updated to version 3.0, 2020-04-24.
Available the kit 'Make your Tour Ride'.

Enjoy shopping by bonus $, you get at the first visit. Hopefully you can gain $ by the slot, but don't be crazy about gambling.

You can be a DANCE MASTER with the HUD.

Just put the script in the vehicles. The vehicle comes back to the home position 10 minutes after the driver get off anywhere.

ANIMESH(animated mesh) models in a box with the document how to use and modify.

Non-physics but flyable helicopter. Experience its realistic movement at Shinobar Annex or at Canyon.

You can call NPC partner for the couple dance.

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16 minutes ago

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Reviews (11)
Overall Rating:
MaxFrost oldie but goldie
Hicks the famous coco taxi script ♥
IndigoQueen King I loved visiting this region. Still more to explore the Canyon is my favorite spot. Love the deep canyons and high mountains. Make sure you take the tours when you visit. The taxi, the boat, the hawk all fun. Also visit the memorial such amazing detail. Or take a shark ride lol. So many nooks and cr...

Region Comments

Japan Open Glid stops dhuaring Aug 14-16 2024. Sorry for your inconvenience.
very nice place!
Aonde me cadastro?
Absolutely LOVED your grid :)
Nice grid. Always fun.
Great place, I like paces that I can go to and have things that's interesting and can get free things also. Thank you, I appreciate it.
I love this place! But I don't know how to get the coco taxi running right. I went to the website but... don't know what I'm doing wrong with it. But loyal fan here.
As for the tour ride, you need to rewrite the '' notecard in the object.
Basically, each line is coordinates:
x y (z) (Station Name)
The coordinates of the passing point. If z is omitted, it becomes the land surface or water surface.
If Station name is written, it makes brief stop there. If not written, it is just a passing point.
Loop // At the end, the continuation starts from the beginning of the course.
Oneway // When the end is reached, the tour ends and the craft immediately returns to the starting point.

Detail is described in Japanese.
Thank you so much!!! I've had your world in the Fav's bar for a while now, and will continue to :)