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Mare Welcome Adult


Wayda Dreamscape
I'm have the most great privilege of being friend of Silver and there is something i can assure he works like a legion, he is one of the most precious Opensim assets Ty for your great work that serves so many now and so many more later!! Big Kiss ;)

7 years ago - mark as helpful (20) - report

I love this grid, really beautiful and well done. Many interesting things to discover.
The only negative side is that we only have $ 1000 in virtual currency and there are so many great clothes to buy!

6 years ago - mark as helpful (11) - report

latex boy-girl
grid is poor cost u to join group jsut to buy and cost to buy
na no good at all

7 years ago - mark as helpful (6) - report

Today 05/10/2024 I found myself traveling in this not at all hospitable world I was wearing an adult manga avatar and I was accused of wearing a child.
In this place the use of copybot for the contents present is obvious.
I was using Firestorm 6.6. 14 (69596) Aug 1 2023 13:14:12 but the person who accused me said that it is forbidden to use copybot evidently does not know this program to accuse me unjustly and ban me by throwing me out without a real valid reason.............

5 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Lynne Lundquist
Very nice grid. The owners are friendly and make you feel welcome. Although items are set for sale, if you stay for two minutes, you will be gifted with lots of money to spend. I'll be back.

12 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

CyberGlo CyberStar
What a great region! There are shops for WOMEN & MEN! Clothes, hair, nails, shoes, sweets, furniture, jewelry, even a Vape shop!!! Where I got a free vape! This place is very well decorated. It is laid out in a square with upstairs and downstairs and all the shops are wonderfully decorated. What a ton of work this must have been to make something so perfect! I love it! I think this is one of the best shopping sims I have seen on any grid. Fantastic! We are truly blessed to have such awesome store owners in the metaverse with us! Thanks for all the cool free stuff! You rock!

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

The user came into the grid as a child avatar without any assets. He deliberately ignored the information that children's avatars were not welcome.

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

schöne Region, alles sehr übersichtlich, nach Themen geordnet, hier macht es Freude
in Ruhe einzukaufen. Geld wird auch zur Verfügung gestellt, alle gut überlegt Silver, vielen Dank

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Un negozio grandissimo dove trovi FINALMENTE abiti diversi dai soliti stancanti di ogni negozio qui in opensim. Dove puoi sbizzarrire la tua fantasia veramete ottimo coinsigliatissimo

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Auch ich bin froh Mit Silver befreundet zu sein, er hat mir in OS geholfen ich hätte das alles niemals alleine rausgefunden, er ist ein ganz toller und Lieber und macht eine sehr Gute Arbeit , ist immer lieb nett und aufmerksam zu jedem...... es lohnt sich immer wieder dort vorbeizuschauen,Mare hat mir unglaublich geholfen und alle sind sehr sehr nett und hilfsbereit dort..danke für alles

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Great shopping experience. Lots of new stuff, and great lay out. Thank you, for sharing. 5 stars.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Good site, well laid out, have bento cocks (I need help understanding difference from one to another.. size?), and they give you money. I got at least $200 from their bot.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Cal Starchild
So a nice sim beautiful well done and the ppl are friendly and very helpful tys smiles

6 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report