Sweet Malta Adult

Sweet Malta
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8 years ago
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Well ever since Ive been on the virtual worlds Ive wanted to build Malta my Rendition of Malta of course , so much enjoyment can be had here and im always up to having a Chat ,Make sure you press like if you want to see more ,,,, Sweet couture dresses ,gowns...make sure you use the teleporters available. Ladies make sure you visit Fashion and Sweetface shop happiness comes in all fabrics :) ....come and enjoy the scenes, roleplay your next Holiday destination here , Stay on a house boat wonderfully decorated.. many lovely Freebies of course wouldnt have it any other way, pls take time to look around in all the buildings, as there just may be something you would like to take back home with you :) come visit Atlantis !! take the teleporter :)

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Nice Place. Lots to see. Great scenery, Lots of freebies. Relaxing and peaceful. And they even feed your avatar. Smiles
Well ty nefertari i dont like to keep anyone Hungry :)
Ty Chanel im so happy you like :)
Sweet Malta is a rare deal. If you want to get a taste of the Mediterranean Sweet Malta is where you want to go. I don't think there is any place like it in all of the OpenSim world. Besides the scenery, Sweet makes clothes and offers them free there on her region. Her items are unique and classy. There are plenty of other items there you can take as well. Sweet Malta has freebies, but if you come just for those, you will have missed out if you don't roam the land. It is a land of wonder and awe! See for yourself!
Oh honey your to sweet , always wonderful words , yes so much to see here everyone , personal touches make me feel really there so i hope you all will feel the same as i do , come and shop, socialize , roleplay and spend sometime here , gone are those days where we sent letters to our pen pals , so enjoy what the internet has givin to all of us and make some great friends lifelong ones .. come enjoy a virtual reality that you will never forget :)
Lots of great stuff,Ty for sharing & i will display your box on my grid :)
Im so glad you enjoyed yourself and ty , yvw pls make sure you visit again im always making new stuff lots of love sweet :)
What could be more enjoyable than a visit to Malta via the wonderful imagination and free OpenSim spirit of the one and only sweetface. Kudos and thank you for keeping OpenSim free and filled with yet one more amazing sim to explore!
Oh Gosh Ty so much Victor such lovely words and always a pleasure to see you over :)
Lovely place, freebies all around, ty and keep the good work :-)))))))))
Ty Sweety ,always a pleasure to see smiles pls be sure to come over again as i always have something new Ready to appear out of this brain of mine lol
Hey 'bout time you moved it to your account ... :P ... LOL
IKR lol , hey im a busy Gal :)