Serenity Isle II

Serenity Isle II
Added by :
Alysin Darkstone
Created :
9 years ago
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MYSTIC STRIP MALL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Strip Mall for any genre item. One of the best value shopping areas in Island Oasis. CLICK for details.One of the lowest cost locations for Merchants to rent. Low cost rent/ high prim. Regular rental pricing is $27P/wk. Limited number of stores are only $10P/wk.
Some Merchants include: Phenix Forge, DHI (Dream Home Improvements), Unique, Volatile Sanity, ADs Addiction,Skin Sations, and opening soon is Bluestar Boutique. Come visit to see the other stores, shop or open your own.

Valentine wearables (cute bunnies with BFF hearts) are now in the Celebrate store for only $25 inworld currency. Items have transfer permissions to travel HG with them and or gift them to your friends!
4pm- 11pm Valentines $10P Sale HG items
Where: Serenity Isle II
When: 8 years ago [7 Feb 2017 16:00 SLT]

Celebrate Store Event. All Valentine Decor Items only $10P with both modify & transfer permission to take with you as you travel the HG, change the texture and size and gift your friends. Wall signs, friend or loved one gifts and more! Decor items have modify permission to allow you to choose your own textures and size.

Hiring Manager for this strip mall. Will trade for up to 2 FREE store units. Can merge both into one large store or gift one FREE store to a friend. Duties include adding group members, 1 group notice per week & 1 walk-through of mall store spaces per week.

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7 years ago

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Authentic and original Mystic land, creators and owners, (Officially) Est 2010. Mystic Estates is a subsidiary of Mystic Darkstone Designs, founded in 2010. Mystic Isle Estates and Mystic Darkstone Commercial Estates and Darkstone Kingdoms are all Divisions of Mystic Estates. The owners have a collective experience in virtual real estate ventures since 2006 (under a variety of "Mystic" names) in a myriad of virtual worlds when they officially formed Mystic Darkstone Designs in 2010. (we hadn't registered anything anywhere til 2010 which is the official date) Please do not confuse newer land masses, regions and other virtual world locations with the ORIGINAL "Mystic" aka "Mystic Darkstone" formed in 2006. We have never been one to seek the spotlight but rather enjoy creating but we do get others confusing newer Mystic locations, with ours. 11 years and counting as Mystic, Mystic Darkstone or Darkstone is a long time, so just wanted to clear that up. Of course there will be many in many virtual worlds to use Mystic as a name, we understand why... it's a cool name, which is why we chose it. The current Mystic team has been together since 2007 with the original core team beginning in 2006 and adding to it in 2007 and again in 2008.
Limited number of Stores are only $10P/week. Island Oasis currency can be purchased or exchanged through PODEX.