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Littlefield Anniversary Adult

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Wonderful to have so many Hypergrid Friends and Residents at the Celebration! Thank you all for helping us Celebrate!

The Party is just starting with Rogue Galaxy LIVE!!

Littlefield's 11th Anniversary Party!

The fun starts in just 45 min! Starting with a 2 hour set by Rogue Galaxy at 5pm Pacific Time! Followed by a night of Live DJ Walter Balazic and dancing on the Anniversary Region's special event area!

Come by and join the celebration, view the displays, and enjoy the party!

hg: lfgrid.com:8002:Littlefield Anniversary
Littlefield's 11th Anniversary Party!!

Saturday April 6th starting at 5:00pm PST
with a live performance by Rogue Galaxy
followed by a DJ Dance Party with DJ Walter Balazic at 7pm PST!!

Come by and help Littlefield celebrate it's 11th Anniversary, and visit all the wonderful displays put up by the Littlefield Residents and some of our Hypergrid Friends!!

Littlefield Anniversary Region is now open to the public for the month of April! Come and help us celebrate 11 years in Opensim!