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Omy great to see us working together again after all these years! Loving the grid
Chant it is great to be working in collaboration with you after all these years! Love it!
Lots to see here! Not sure how big this region is but it's massive! So much time has been put into every location within the region and it's clearly evident by the visually stimulating locations! So much to see here you need to come for a few hours every day for a week! Wonderfully done!
Thanks so proud to be on [TTG] your support is amazing! along with your encouragement and friendship. Would never have been possible without you! ♥
If not for you, none of it would be! #FACTS #FOREVERGRATEFUL ♥
No its you! forever grateful to you for all you do to make this possible ♥
Hallelujah, praise the opensim Gods, she's back! OMG it's absolutely amazing here! The amount of love, sweat, and tears put into this build is evident. I'm so happy to be, once again on this journey with you! Like Batman & Robin or Don Quiote & Sancho Panza, "Tonight We Ride!" ♥
Hallelujah! Praise Faith! laughs - what a ride we share and no more ancie nancy's ever! Bring on the good times ♥