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Valentine Dance and Party Place is now open for Valentines day in our Holiday Region! Beautiful Mushroom Tents, Ballroom and Outdoor Party Tents!!

Christmas as arrived at our Holiday Region! This is my re-creation of Santa's Village in Lapland, Finland. I hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Halloween has officially arrived at The Shirls Hypergrid. Head over and have fun!

Christmas has arrived in our Holiday Region

Thanksgiving has arrived at the Holiday Region. Turkey races, Potato sack runs, hayride and more.

SheaButter: I think the potato sack needs an ao to work. Otherwise it doesn't work to potato sack race. 1 years ago

Halloween has arrived. Spooktacular is now open.

NineZero: It works! Yay! Thank you! 1 years ago

Halloween arrives at our Holiday Region on October 1st.