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Arabellos Veil

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St Patrick's Day Celebration, March 17 2024, at Arabellos Veil on the NeverWorld Grid @ 2:00 PM Grid time. Join DJ Phil Colins with some great old Irish pub tunes.
St Patrick's Day Celebration, March 17 2024, at Arabellos Veil on the NeverWorld Grid @ 2:00 PM Grid time. Join DJ Phil Colins with some great old Irish pub tunes.

This stone maze is magical and will have you feeling stress-free in no time. You can almost feel the ocean breeze blowing the residue away.

O'Malley's Irish Pub is a great place to hang out or meet a friend for a pint.

Graines Tomb is one of several builds reminiscent of ancient sacred sites you might find in Britian, Ireland, Wales & Scotland.

Graines Tomb is one of several builds reminiscent of ancient sacred sites you might find in Britian, Ireland, Wales & Scotland.

Borrow a horse from the 'gypsy camp', and ride the horse and hiking trails.

Arabello's Veil is a fictitious place set in the current time with a touch of the ancient past mixed in. It is reminiscent of North-Western Europe; Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. You may see a 21st century building at one point, and a 4th Century tower right next to it. Arabello's Veil has a quaint town square for some light shopping and many places to explore.

Suzi_Avonside: Amazing landscape that I enjoyed wandering around. I wasn't so impressed with the architecture as it seemed to me more reminiscent of Central Europe and North America rather than the Celtic Fringe. Th... 2 years ago