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By Numbers

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The Cat's Meow - Ladies & Mens Fashions, Creations, Modifications & Fascinations by Cataplexia Numbers Exclusively on Alternate Metaverse Grid Located in the giant box the giant cat is holding by a chain...tp up! :D Also on By Numbers: Textures By Numbers & Building By Numbers...a must see for builders! alternatemetaverse.com:8002:By Numbers
NEW Building By Numbers - Mesh Building Supplies, doors, Windows, Roofs, Fences, Columns, Arches, Domes, Decorative meshes & So Much More! Located on the "By Numbers" region at Alternate Metaverse Grid next to Cats Meow - His & Her Fashions & Textures By Numbers

Builders Mesh, Building, Building Supplies, Stairs, Doors, Windows, Rails, Gates & Fences, Arches, Roofs, Decorative mesh, fancy architectual decor, moldings, , floors, walls, textures

Textures By Numbers & The Cat's Meow Fashions have a NEW HOME on the region "By Numbers" here on Alternate Metaverse Grid
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:By Numbers

1 Fabulous Region, 3 Great Stores, 1 Humongous Cat

By Numbers- Textures By Numbers, Building by Numbers & The Cat's Meow - His & Her Fashions by Cataplexia Numbers (in the box dangling from the kitty's mouth @ Alternate Metaverse Grid)