Australian Homelands Adult

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To Visit Australian Home Lands, from Open Sim to Kitely please make sure you are wearing exportable items or you may not be able to hypergrid out of your grid also check to see if your grid is Hyper grid enabled. OR come visit from your Kitely Avatar as I am sure you will love it here, Bungalow rentals very low rates available and free rental can now be available in Mannum Town. Genavieve Page. Kitely
Australian Home Lands is now on a dedicated Kitely ALWAYS ON Server
Please if you have any issues getting here from open sim, please do not leave a 1 star rating. Contact me so I can address this with the Kitely CEO as it is not the regions fault...
Rentals are now available and much more to come in the next 6 months as I continue to build upon 64 regions. Beautiful Australian Landscape with much to explore and enjoy
Genavieve Page - Kitely