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A while back I made a simple beach hut, somewhere to get out of the sun. It looks great with Arcadia's rattan dining set and tiki torches!

Encantada Aloe Vera, handy when you've been out in the sun too long. Also handy if you have a cactus garden or just plain live in the desert.

In the shop, there are just a few home decor items I hope to add to along with the furniture. I needed a vase for my house which is how I ended up with the Victorian Vases.

Some snowy, some without. Technically the evergreens can be year round but I like how they look in the winter section of the shop. A few varieties of spruce and some pine too. Sadly, I can't give them virtual smell.
New Release at Encantada. This one is another replica of a RL sculpture.
The Spoon Bridge and Cherry are in the Sculpture Garden in Minneapolis.
My version is located just to the left of the main shop building. You definitely can't miss it :D. It can be resized, you just may need to adjust the water particle script.
I have a Christmas section in the shop that's there year round. I add a little each season. There are several snow globes and I also included plain versions that can be used year round. There's even a person sized one you can dance in...or just have the npc's dance for you :)

Black-Eyed Susans, so very, very common. Apparently they are in Western Europe, 10 Canadian provinces, the 48 contiguous US states and China. Oh yes, also virtual at Encantada ;)

I made a replica of Jeff Koons' "Balloon Dog". Turns out, the original was the most expensive piece of art sold by a living artist coming in at a cool 58 million usd. "Encantada" Balloon Dog replica....the cheapest...free, free, free :))).
I've made several fountains. This one is probably the least conventional, I call it the "Leg Jug" (so original, I know). I was either feeling creative that day or experiencing some kind of opium soaked dream from another life. Anyway, for the creative gardener, it's pretty versatile, it can be used on it's own or in other fountains.

I once read that there are over 70 species of Hydrangeas. At Encantada, for now, there's only 1. There are however 4 colours :D

I made the Egg Mobile for an Easter contest. There is however a version without the Happy Easter available too. Just in case you feel the need to ride in the sky on a giant steampunky egg.

I made some kitchen cupboards a while ago, mostly because I only found cupboards in set configurations. These are modular with 2 colour choices, silver or gold handles and scripted doors and drawers. I've included all the textures and occlusion maps in case anyone wants to make their own textures.

If what your Sim really needs is an apple orchard, or, you just want some apples, Encantada can help with that.

Hedges and Topiaries. When you need something a little more formal and a little black dress won't serve the purpose :).

One of the fountains available at the shop. They all have the water sounds but just touch them to turn it off if you prefer.

The layout of Encantada is supposed to be by seasons. It's not exactly that but I try to group things from the same environment together. The boxes around the edges are for plants and I use the intersections for fountains and sculptures. When I run out of spots, I may have to make some big changes but for now, these are the general areas.

I try to make plants that fit into different environments. I was looking for tropical plants that flowered and ended up making these Araceae plants.

One of the flowers available on Encantada is tulips. 2 types, regular and parrot tulips.

New Release of a beach\patio daybed along with a V2 of some matching rattan furniture. All pieces use SFPoser (thanks Satyr Aeon!).

I hope to make more buildings and pavillions going forward, for now, there are 3 Grecian inspired structures with matching benches available at Encantada.

The street lamps on Encantada go on and off with the day cycle of the sim. They all run off 1 master slave script to keep things efficient. They are available with master and slave as well as a single manual version. The box is in the landing point area.

Perfect for that relaxed tropical environment. Encantada Bird of Paradise plant, no maintenance and blooms all the time ;)

For the pool or the beach. Encantada scripted Air Mattresses and Pool Floaties.

The main shop building doesn't have too many items in it yet, I add things as I build them. The building is for interior items. All the pieces in the lounge area are available and don't worry, that vibrant green sofa does come in more neutral colors lol.

The Encantada Crystals are scripted and allow you to choose your crystal and light colour, just touch and choose. You never know when you will need a little magic.

Well, summer is pretty much here and time for the beach! Some palm trees, date palms and fan palm plants can give you some natural shade.

Well, I've had summer and fall maple trees out at the shop for a while but I decided I couldn't go any longer without adding red maples to the summer section. The box for the maples has been updated and all versions are inside.
I just added an update to the Encantada Hibiscus shrubs. I've done an orange flower in addition to the red, pink and yellow. There's also a second version of the shrub shape (it's just a small variation). They are located with the tropical plants beside the beach section :).

If you would like to add a little movement to your sim that won't cause you lag, try out the animesh butterflies at Encantada. Quite a few species available :)

I couldn't resist making this sculpture.