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Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub

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Wyldwood Bayou Open Roleplay Market--Saturday, April 15 at Noon grid time
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub
Event begins: Noon Grid Time
Added by: Bonnie Stewart
WWB Roleplay Hub holds an Open Roleplay Market every Quarter--3rd Saturday--Noon Grid Time PDT. Open to all Hypergrid Roleplayers, novices or experienced! Be any character you desire. Wear appropriate attire for your character. Free Medi /Fantasy attire available at the WWB Roleplay Welcome Center. Check Roleplay Rules at the WWB Roleplay Hub Welcome Center or the Roleplay Market entrance dock.
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub
WWB Roleplay Hub Wyld Hunt
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub
When: 3 years ago [29 Oct 2021 01:00 SLT]

The WWB Roleplay Hub presents the Wyld Hunt from October 29 to November 11, 2021. Spread across the Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Regions are 7 original hunt prizes created by Wyldwood Bayou residents. The hunt begins at the WWB Roleplay Hub, where you can obtain a notecard with hints and landmarks.

Nine beautiful roleplay regions await your visit! Self-guided tour cards with landmarks are available at the WWB Roleplay Hub, along with a map of the roleplay regions. Boats are waiting at the Hub docks, just below the welcome center.

Flying through the fae lands at Fairy Dust--Isles of Myst Roleplay.

Searching for magical flowers at Brigantia--Isles of Myst RP.

The queen in the dungeon at Western Reach--Isles of Myst Roleplay.

Brigantia Firelight Chat--Isles of Myst Roleplay. Every Tuesday night at 4 pm grid time!

Queen's Mountain Lodge at Brigantia.

Castle @ Brigantia.

Ravenquest Roleplay

Ravenquest Roleplay

Ravenquest Roleplay

Ravenquest Roleplay

Ravenquest Roleplay