Green Hill Zone

Green Hill Zone
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5 years ago
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Green Hill Zone is the welcome area of the Mobius Grid, a video gaming community open to all. This experience cleverly combines loads of must-haves, like social zones, with some great architectural features.

Like SL on, Mobius Grid uses Experience Tools for alot of the interactive parts of our regions. Please allow Experince Permissions to fully experience what we offer.

Mobius Grid Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Green Hill Zone
When: 2 years ago [17 Apr 2022 21:00 SLT]

Happy Easter everyone!

Spring has returned to the Green Hill Zone, and Cream The rabbit is here looking for Easter eggs!

Help Cream by finding all 12 Easter eggs around Green Hill Zone, starting today April 17th to April 30th.

When you approach Cream she will start talking to you. Click the hyperlinks (underlined text) in the messages she sends to continue the dialogue.
(You may need to Right click these hyperlinks and click "Run this Command" on some viewers)

When you find the eggs be sure to click them!

Saturday Night Gaming
Where: Green Hill Zone
When: 3 years ago [18 Dec 2021 21:00 SLT]

A weekly event for people to just hangout & play games together inworld. But with a holiday twist!~
Join us at, hop:// Hill Zone/512/512/23
Hope to see you there!

Royale of Mobius Team

Big's Big Christmas Adventure 2
Where: Green Hill Zone
When: 3 years ago [14 Dec 2021 02:00 SLT]

Hey Everyone, Christmas once again has returned to Mobius!

Unfortunately not everything is going according to plan, and Santa Big has once again lost your presents from his sleigh! Help him find your missing presents!

Help Big save Christmas by helping him fish out the lost presents from the waters around Green Hill Zone, starting from December 12th to 31st.

When you approach Big he will start talking to you. Click the hyperlinks (underlined text) in the messages he sends to continue the dialogue.
(You may Right click these hyperlinks and click "Run this Command" if you are on some viewers such as Alchemy Viewer)

This will be going on until December 31st!

Saturday Night Gaming
Where: Green Hill Zone
When: 3 years ago [14 Aug 2021 18:00 SLT]

A weekly event for people to just hang out & play games together inworld.
Join us at The Emerald Underground!
Hope to see you there!

Royale of Mobius Team

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Lilith very good managed to recreate sonic world with the adventure of Cream

Region Comments

I like the level you created, but is there any way to move faster in the Zone, aside from turning on Always Run?
Nvm, will stick to low rez avis + mid graphics while I play here ☺