It says 0 Users the trut is, the grid first avatar is zero lolz
A very good and fair systen. Don't work. So as ava inv.
Deactivated My Suitcase wow! Inworld all items block but
ava inv open for all grid owners thank you :-)
The 1359 year old mystery of the fairies.
The book of the 7 seals. It needs a guardian.
In 7 places you can find it.
The way is tedious and dangerous!
It holds many hidden secrets.
Remember Frodo Beutlin!
Do you have fairies blood? Then you can find it.
Be careful how you treat it.
Good luck fae.
Old Fae
Rakis Heron
Das 1359 Jahre alte Geheimnis der Feen.
Das Buch der 7 Siegel. Es braucht einen Hüter.
An 7 Orten kannst Du es Finden.
Der Weg ist mühsam und gefärlich!
Es birgt viele versteckte Geheimnisse.
Erinnere Dich an Frodo Beutlin!
Hast Du Feen Blut? Dann kannst Du es finden.
Sei bedacht wie Du es Behandelst.
Viel Glück Fae.
Freebie Market under construction, all terrain items free.
All you need in and around the house.
Rakis Heron - RAK Internet Service