Club 92

Club 92
Added by :
Ehson Miles
Created :
6 years ago
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Best Dj's, awsum sets, melodius songs, and vibrant music, music for all tastes.

DJ Miles with live requests!
Where: Club 92
When: 5 years ago [2 Jun 2019 02:30 SLT]

All you favorite songs on request!, great playlist

Dj Ehson at the set

Today set by DJ Mega, Sploder distributed lots of Gloebits today, every one went happy!

Despite Streaming Issues, and dead air, there were happy times

Dj Mega
Where: Club 92
When: 5 years ago [14 May 2019 02:00 SLT]

Join for great music, Requests, enable and authorise Gloebits before the set starts as there will be sploder and lots of money falling!

Some great Songs with Dj Dana, perfect!!!

Another great fun packed Dj show!!! went awsum

DJ's & Hosts required for Club 92 @

Awesome party tonight, Great Turnout

Today's Set by DJ Mega, good crowd, good music, good company, all good happened

DJ Mega
Where: Club 92
When: 5 years ago [16 Apr 2019 11:30 SLT]

Great songs Great company!

Second club open

Party going on!!!!!!!!
Where: Club 92
When: 5 years ago [4 Apr 2019 10:15 SLT]

Club 92 playing the pop songs today!!!! come join us

Yesterday session went well

DJ Mega
Where: Club 92
When: 6 years ago [18 Mar 2019 11:00 SLT]

80's to todays hits, requests welcome!

DJ Dana
Where: Club 92
When: 6 years ago [13 Mar 2019 22:03 SLT]

Dj Dana playing your favorites tunes, come and bring your friends for a mighty good time!!!

DJ Dana
Where: Club 92
When: 6 years ago [12 Mar 2019 22:01 SLT]

Sweet melodies from DJ Dana at club 92

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