Town of Haven

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DJ Dan 4pm on the Haven Grid - Town of Haven
Where: Town of Haven
When: 5 years ago [16 Oct 2019 16:00 SLT]

Join us for some great music as Dj Dan (also known as Pastor Dan) spins the tunes. Great music and a great time. This is a "G" grid.

DJ Dan 4pm on the Haven Grid - Town of Haven POSTPONED
Where: Town of Haven
When: 6 years ago [15 Aug 2019 16:00 SLT]

DJ Dan had to reschedule our event for today. Mark your calendars for next Thursday....same time same place. Have a blessed week. Play Nice. :)

DJ Dan 4pm on the Haven Grid - Tropical Island
Where: Town of Haven
When: 6 years ago [11 Jul 2019 16:00 SLT]

Today at 4pm sl time on the Haven Grid (specifically Tropical Island) Dan Toy (or to many Pastor Dan) will be DJing. Drop into the town of Haven and use the teleport board to get to Tropical Island. This is the link for hypergriding of Haven

ATTENTION HAVEN GRID MEMBERS AND HYPERGRIDDERS- HAVEN GRID IS BACK!!! The grid is now up and running again. It took less time than expected to get the service back and running in the new location. Thank you for your patience while it was down.
The Haven Grid server will be transferred to a new location therefore the grid will be closed Wednesday night May 2nd and will be back Friday morning May 4tth. We apologize for the inconvenience to our members and hypergridders.
Streaming Live!
Where: Town of Haven
When: 7 years ago [9 Oct 2017 18:00 SLT]

Streaming live into sl and The Haven Grid some of the best music with a message that will build your faith.

New diving board and plenty of swimming for all. Also have new cars setup for all. Great fun and freebies.

We have a great pool for our community and friends. Join us for some virtual fun. Take a swim or drive around on your free car. Great fun.