
Added by :
Blondie GayMan
Created :
8 years ago
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LGBT Gay All Welcome

Always Under Constructions.

Sims are not built as yet. I'm working on it. LOL :)

Well, I actually haven't been doing anything... sigh.
I've taken early retirement and where I thought I'd have a lot more free time, it turns out, I'm busier than ever. LOL

Cocktails at 7pm? :)

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Too bad it is so empty yet. Visit my region anytime and meet nice guys there.
Yeah, still mostly empty. Time is my mortal enemy. Plus, I kinda suck at creative ideas and when I see places like yours and so many others, I realize, I'll never get my regions as good. But I'm ok with that. LOL

I did visit your place and I have to say, you've done an amazing job on it and I don't just mean the pictures. But the actual build(s).
REALLY interested in what you got going here. I'm just learning opensim and trying to create my own sim primarily for accommodating small aircraft. So, when I saw your helicopter, my heart jumped (and something else, too).
hiya. The copter is not my build. I wish. LOL but it does work well. The only issue, and the same with many vehicles, is that the script does not handle crossing regions. I haven't had time (and won't for a long time) to go through this script to see how difficult it would be to fix that. I know that there are some scripts out there that are coded to handle region crossing. That being said, I do wonder if making a mega region, say 1024x1024 would solve that problem. I haven't tested that nor have I tested how my server will handle a mega region. Right now with the 6 normal regions, the server seems to keep up very well.

But hey, Winter is here, so maybe I'll find time to play around with it.

My hope is that if mega, vehicles won't have problems. But then, a script that handles crossings would be best. :)

I haven't done much if anything with vehicle scripts... nor boats.... so that part is new to me there. But I did have something else that had problems crossing regions and i was able to fix that and it worked. I THINK it was a simple tosser script, if memory serves.
Heyas! just was reading - try adding a neighbor region at your place and cross - works on mine going from 4x4 to 4x4 very little jump and have not had a stall yet -- I use the Dreamworldz installer from outworldz