Imbolc with DJane Nadir at Cozy Comforts Grid!

Region: Dracheninsel
Event begins: 1 years ago: 2023-02-05 12:00 SLT
Added by: Aphra Hendrix

Djane Nadir va nous faire un mix!
Djane Nadir legt ein paar Platten auf!
Djane Nadir will play good music for us!

welcome to our new grid!
we have 17 regions online and part are in a big landscape... you can fly across the land!
Imbolc is a celtic tradition and we will have a big fire....

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Danke, ich freue mich sehr, anlässlich dieses Abends für euch freundliche Küsse zu remixen. Nadir.Thank you, I am very happy to remix on the occasion of this evening for you, friendly kisses. Nadir. Merci , je suis trés heureuse de remixer à l'occasion de cette soirée pour vous, bises amicales . Nadir .