It's DJ Rosie turn At Hot DAddy's tonite at 6:00! Wooohoo!

Region: Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
Event begins: 2 years ago: 2022-01-17 17:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk

You might think you Are back on SesAme Street tonite but....You're At Hot DAddy's! Tonite DJ Rosie tAkes A big turn at Hot DAddy's and does the A set! KindA like the A-List! Artists and songs beginning with the letter A...And some A-wesome And A-mazing tunes from her home down under...A-ustralia, of course!! No costume tonite unless you find one stArting with the letter A! Just come and hAng out with us on the dock And enjoy A-nother incredible evening of DJ Rosie tunes! Bring A-ll your friends!

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